What Are The Benefits Of Piezo Stage Scanners?

Piezo stage scanners from place like nPoint, sometimes called piezo stages, are a category of scanners that allow you to scan and take images of very small particles that are still or in motion. You might already be using scanners for this purpose, but there are some reasons to switch over to these stages instead.

3D Images

Many scanners work in two dimensions, coming equipped with electrodes on an X-axis and Y-axis. Piezo stages have an electrode on the Z-axis; this enables you to create 3D images, which can be enormously helpful for two reasons. First, you can get much more detail of the item you're scanning. Not only that, but if you're scanning a compound with moving particles, a 3D scan will be much more able to better pinpoint the position of those particles instead of a flat 2D scan. This can make your work more accurate and detailed.

Improved Precision

If you are using older scanners that need to be upgraded, you might not yet know how much clearer an image can be compared to those you're currently seeing. Piezo stages permit zooming on the nanometer scale, which can be several hundred times closer than you are already viewing items. Because of the scale on which things can be seen, that may also give you the opportunity to work with much smaller particles than you're currently working with. As a result, your work can be more thorough and robust.

Focus Speed

If you're working with particles that are constantly moving, that can be a problem for some types of scanners. Piezo stages are especially adept at handling these particles because of the speed at which it is able to focus.  You can capture particles at multiple locations, allowing you to better calculate particle speed and predict their activity. Even if you're only working with static particles and images, Piezo stages can quickly focus so that you can scan something without waiting too long and then move on to the next activity on your slate. This will cut down on delays and lag times you experience over the course of your workday.

Now that you've got some idea of how Piezo stages can help you to do your work in a much more efficient, detailed way, start seeking them out. Once you're able to compare their capabilities to the machines you already have, you may well consider changing over to Piezo stage scanners.
